Timbercon at the PDX Soap Box Derby
The 2015 PDX Soap Box Derby featured a car built from scratch by the Timbercon staff. Engineer Brendan O’Dea led the team in designing and making The Aqua Brick, which was also known as The Fish Tank among spectators.
Engineers Sean Gallivan and Brendan O’Dea drove and sprayed the crowd with a cool stream of water from the attached trident. CEO Eric Meslow and Engineer Kylan Hoener helped start each heat off with a strong push on foot. Kylan even nobly chased after the car when the push-bar refused to come loose.
With a best time of 100.4 seconds, the Aqua Brick raced to the bottom of the track in Mount Tabor Park and made the Timbercon team proud.
Thanks to all who came out to support Timbercon and we will see you next year!
About Timbercon, Inc.
Timbercon, Inc., founded in 1997, is a fiber optic product and solution manufacturing company providing a variety of connectivity solutions to the defense, aerospace, medical, data storage, telecommunications, industrial, broadcast and networking industries. In addition to standard fiber optic assemblies and attenuated loopbacks, Timbercon has pioneered many proprietary products. Additional company information can be found at www.timbercon.com.
Timbercon Contact:
(P) 503.827.8141