Timbercon Announces Ultra-High Speed Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor System
Timbercon, Inc., a fiber optics product and solutions manufacturing company, announces the availability of an Ultra-High Speed Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensor System at the SPIE-Defense, Security + Sensing conference in Orlando, FL.
“We have been in development of this complete FBG Sensor System for quite some time with Eric Udd of Columbia Gorge Research (CGR) and a National Lab,” stated John Lee, Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “This system will allow researchers to monitor events at speeds and resolutions previously unattainable.”
The Ultra-High Speed FBG Sensor System can be custom configured with up to four readout channels, an ASE light source, Ibsen Integrator, chirped or normal Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors, power supply, all contained in a 19” rackmount box. This system can be used to measure position, velocity, temperature and pressure with a resolution of a few nanoseconds or less over lengths in excess of 100mm.
An invited paper titled High Speed Measurements Using Fiber-Optic Bragg Gratings (Paper 8028-7), is being presented this Thursday, April 28th, by Jerry Benterou and Chadd May of Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and Eric Udd of CGR. They will be detailing the result of the first two Ultra-High Speed FBG Sensor Systems for detonation and blast wave measurement.